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Phoenix, AZ – Tip from a Local Nutrition / Supplement Store: Choosing Multivitamins

Discount Nutrition

Tips on Choosing a Multivitamin

Multivitamins are a great way to get all the key nutrients you might be missing in your daily diet. With the industry being so big it is difficult to pick which multivitamin would be best for you. Multivitamins come in many different forms: capsules, tablets, powders, soft chews and liquids. We will give you tips below on how to pick a multivitamin that will work best for you.

When choosing a multivitamin you want to make sure it comes from a quality brands that use “Good Manufacturing Practices”. These companies will usually list this on the label. At Discount Nutrition we only carry the highest quality industry leading brands. We don’t have any “house brands”. So you can be assured you always get the best quality when selecting a multivitamin with us.

Most multivitamins are based on gender and age. From child to senior, the dosages are adjusted to fit the person. If you are a woman over the age of 50 we would recommend Nature’s Way Alive Women’s 50 Plus, which is a great one-a-day that absorbs quickly and offers all your essential A to Z vitamins.

We also carry multivitamins for the fitness enthusiasts which add a performance blend to ensure your reaching your top performance. If you have a sensitive stomach to multivitamins Garden Of Life makes My Kind Organics Whole Food Multivitamins that are easy on the stomach and better absorbed. They also make a fruit chew for people who have trouble swallowing pills. These Multivitamins are Organic whole food multivitamins.

Powdered and Liquid vitamins are a great addition to your morning smoothie. They can be high in nutrients and other superfoods but taste is sometimes objective. If you don’t drink smoothies in the morning adding these to a fruit juice will make them taste better and give you additional vitamins found in the juice.

If you have any question about what multivitamin will work best with you stop into any Discount Nutrition in Phoenix and one of our certified nutrition consultants will gladly assist you.



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